• ROLE:  “EDGARDO” — BOY age 6-8 (to play 6). This is a unique and very challenging part for a truly special boy. The story deals with the complexity of an extremely intelligent and gifted child’s situation – his desire to return to his family & the faith of his ancestors, pitted against his ability to learn the Catechism & engage with the Pope on a level far beyond his years. HE SHOULD APPEAR TO BE A JEWISH ITALIAN child. We are not looking for any kind of Italian accent. LEAD.
  • STORY LINE: “The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara”— Steven Spielberg is making a film about the true story of EDGARDO MORTARA, a 6 yr old Jewish boy from Bologna who was reported to have been secretly baptized by a maid & was deemed by the Catholic church therefore to be Christian. Pope Pius IX (to be played by Mark Rylance) decreed the boy could not remain w/his Jewish family. He was seized by the Papal State & taken to the Vatican where his indoctrination into Catholicism began. This was a cause célèbre of mid-nineteenth century European politics & the domestic and international outrage against the pontifical state’s actions may have contributed to its downfall amid the unification of Italy. This is an incredible story of real historical relevance. NOTE: Several CD’s are covering this project, per overall CD Ellen Lewis/Nina Gold. We’re all on the same team! If you’ve already auditioned for this role, it’s not necessary to resubmit.


All submissions should go through our casting website: PLEASE FOLLOW STEPS 1 – 5 ON WEBSITE! Many people are not following directions, so please read thoroughly, preferably via a computer & not just via cell phone. Step #2 is very important! It’s where you enter your email, so you can receive watermarked SIDES (scene) & other pertinent info! The video clip you send should be him reading the sides (scene), slate & introduction — ALL EXPLAINED in document you’ll receive via the site, once you enter your email. Please do not send other clips or acting reels.
  • DEADLINE:  —  ASAP or by 9/24 (check for possible extensions; no guarantees!)